Baptist International University

  • Associate of Scripture Ministries
  • Graduate of Theology Scripture Ministries
  • Bachelor of Theology Scripture Ministries
  • Master of Arts Scripture Ministries
  • Master of Divinity
  • Doctor of Philosophy Scripture Ministries

Our Mission

Why Choose Us?

There are a multitude of teaching programs available to the people of this world. Many good programs are offered. So, why choose Baptist International University? First, we specialize in teaching faithful men and preparing such men for the ministry. Second, our system is proved. It was created with a world vision, a high vision, and a long vision. It works in any country with any people. It fulfills the Great Commission, and it practices training and reproducing sowers, senders, and the seed. We operate in Christian love, not for lucre. Third, our system is designed to be taught in Baptist churches. It teaches Bible doctrine and men must be doers of the word.

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