Baptist International University
We offer the complete Baptist International School of the Scriptures curricula that have been successfully taught by Bible-believing Baptist churches for over 50 years. The curricula are closely associated with the Bearing Precious Seed ministries.
Financial Information
All information, syllabi, diplomas, and help offered by Baptist International are offered Free of Charge. We do this to observe good doctrine and follow the words of our Savior in Matthew 10:8: “… freely ye have received, freely give.” Teachers involved in Baptist International must not charge for their teaching, charge tuition, or seek financial remuneration for their labor – it should be a labor of love (Hebrews 6:10). Our reward is to see good men serve God on earth. However God sees fit to reward his servants in heaven will always be just (Matthew 20:13; Luke 17:10). We do expect our students to be obedient to the commandments of our Savior Jesus Christ and be faithful to their churches in tithes and offerings. We expect our students to support missions, give alms, and be servants. Furthermore, we expect students to bless their teachers at home in obedience to Galatians 6:6: “Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.” As Brother Fraser said, this blessing can be anything from bringing them a cup of coffee for class, to giving them a chicken for their family dinner. Students should be mindful to bless their teachers regularly.
Degrees Offered
Our curricula are offered free of charge and are available to all. Degrees are conferred upon completion of the levels to registered and approved students. Unregistered students and schools have liberty to use the program as they desire. Our hope is that fundamental Baptist churches worldwide will use our program in their own seminaries and train their own men for the ministry, as God has intended.
- Associate of Scripture Ministries
- Graduate of Theology Scripture Ministries
- Bachelor of Theology Scripture Ministries
- Master of Arts Scripture Ministries
- Master of Divinity
- Doctor of Philosophy Scripture Ministries
Our Mission
Our mission is simply to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as given in Matthew 28:18-20:
18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
We fulfill this Great Commission by doing and teaching the work (Acts 1:1). Under church authority, we teach all nations, we baptize, and we teach to observe all things that Christ commanded.
We operate with a High Vision. We operate with a Long Vision. We operate with a World Vision. By God’s grace we labor in love to reproduce Sowers, Senders, and the Seed. We Obey before we Say, we Go and Sow, we Teach and Preach, we Train and Ordain.
Our curricula emphasize all things that Christ commanded. This is how men are prepared for the work of the ministry world-wide.

Why Choose Us?
There are a multitude of teaching programs available to the people of this world. Many good programs are offered. So, why choose Baptist International University? First, we specialize in teaching faithful men and preparing such men for the ministry. Second, our system is proved. It was created with a world vision, a high vision, and a long vision. It works in any country with any people. It fulfills the Great Commission, and it practices training and reproducing sowers, senders, and the seed. We operate in Christian love, not for lucre. Third, our system is designed to be taught in Baptist churches. It teaches Bible doctrine and men must be doers of the word.
Because the program is designed to be taught by Baptist churches, we are not the only ones who teach under the designation Baptist International School of the Scriptures. We thank God for all the churches involved in scripture publishing and teaching the School of the Scriptures principles. There are so many only God knows where they all are.
We do not diminish or discourage their works – we praise God for them, for this is the vision for the School of the Scriptures – that independent Baptist Churches worldwide would teach the curricula.